Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Es'kia Mphahlele has died.

I have just read that Es'kia Mphahlele has died. I wrote this post in appreciation of his writing, and his life, just a month ago. I am kind of in shock. 

He was a great man, a great South African, someone whom I feel was under appreciated as a South African icon.

He achieved unbelievable things in extremely difficult circumstances, and should be a role model to all of us.

I have never read any of his novels, but will take the time to as soon as possible.

If you get the chance, you should read his autobiography, it will teach you much about South Africa, and life in those times.

Rest in peace, Prof. Mphahlele.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Bewaaaare the jumping buck

This haiku was inspired by this Thoughtleader article.

Beware: Jumping Buck.
It will give you bad luck, and
cause crate-loads of kak.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Little llama

Another animal haiku from crazy guest splatter Foo:

He gazes at me
his eyes so deep and soulful
oh little llama

Monday, 20 October 2008

people on the streets

This is an extract from a short story I wrote, so it is not really poetry at all. It is a paragraph about people on the streets in Cape Town. Most of the people described are based on truth. 

There was the proud lady who asked only for water,
 the wizened man with the startling beard,
 the child who carried a letter telling of her troubles,
 the young schizophrenic who swayed on one leg for hours and then burst into a heated tirade, 
the man with the recorder, 
the one with the club foot,
 the wire flower seller, 
the card seller, 
the bead seller, 
 the sweeper,
 the leaf-raker, 
the candlestick maker, 
the one who helped you park your car,
 the one who guarded your parked car, 
the ones who cleaned your car windows while you stopped at the robots.

Friday, 17 October 2008


Another haiku from the guest splatter Foo.

The sound of swishing
train comes to a flying halt
ooh that scary leaf

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Feeling blue.

Here is a poem from guest splatter, Foo.

He sits in lonely torment.
the sun no longer reigns in the sky
an outcast, a stranger
they reject the unfamiliar
for he...
is the only gay smurf in the village

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

monkey see

Today's splat is another haiku by guest splatter Foo.

Monkey grab monkey
see no feel no banana
sometimes it's disguised

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

mischievous moose

A moose on the loose
ran into my garden and
terrified the goose.

Monday, 13 October 2008


Another guest splatter, yay! Today's guest splatter is called Foo and she has written a haiku:

Lemming one drop down
lemming two land on lemming
lemming three go squish

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Grey day.

Grey is the morning.
I have no fire left in me
to light the grey day.


Friday, 10 October 2008


A bird is warm and free
to sing or eat a worm
and fly, fly.

I have a stone 
deep in my bowels,
smooth like an egg
but cold.
It will not dislodge
it bears me down
and slowly, slowly,
I petrify.
Fissures forge fine imprints
of  feathered history,
and I grow hard, leached dry,
a fossil on a museum shelf-
beyond reach.

When I die I wish my soul to 

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


This is the way the whirlwind turns;
Without a thought for where you stood
and watched the birds on the wall
or fought with your lover
just five seconds before.
It can take you away 
as if you were nothing more than dust
and dump you where
you do not know yourself at all.

Friday, 3 October 2008

The passing penguin

Today's splat is written by a guest splatter, G. He wrote it while in Antarctica for 15 months at the South African base.

The Passing Penguin

Swishing, and swashing and swimming about

Swish swash and hop just out

Flipping and flopping and looking about

Flip flop and have no doubt


On to tummy, better get out!